General Questions
Click on the sign up button in the header. Fill in the relevant information and identify if you are a 'Funeral Director' or 'Other'. Once you sign up it will take anywhere from two minutes to a few hours for us to approve you. Once you sign in and have access to the dashboard found in the header you are good to go.
When you sign up you get access to all courses that are available and are automatically signed up for any new courses that are added.
This paid course is only for individuals who are not currently working in the funeral profession.
If you are currently working in the profession or are a member of the Funeral Directors Association of New Zealand, do not take this course. All content in the course is available to members on their dashboard.
There is no cost associated with accessing the hub. This member benefit is included in your membership fees.
Course Related Questions
A THC is short for Training Hour Credit. This only applies to registered funeral directors. Within each three year renewal period the funeral director must complete 18 approved training hour credits (THCs) for their practising certificate to be renewed. If you are not a funeral director we encourage you to take courses for professional development purposes.
Yes. The Learning Management System tracks learners progression through each course including time spent on each slide, interaction within the course, viewing of any videos and quiz results. A THC is granted by the Funeral Directors Association of New Zealand if the minimum requirements for the course have been met.
In short, we track all your engagement online and how long is spent on each engagement.
If minimum requirements are not met, THCs are not granted for the course.
As long as you wish. The system remembers where you were in a course when you leave and come back.
Yes. A certificate of completion is offered at the end of every course.
We would love to hear from you. Every course ends with a survey but we can also be contacted directly at [email protected]
No. The system tracks all your engagement and reports monthly back to the Funeral Directors Association of New Zealand.